Seeing with the Eyes of Love

A Commentary on a text from The Imitation of Christ

“Love is a great and thorough good”

The Imitation of Christ is one of the most enduring of the Christian documents. Reflecting on a famous passage, Easwaran explores what it means to make Jesus’ love come alive in our everyday lives.

 Drawing on his extensive experience as a teacher of meditation and an authority on the mystical tradition, Easwaran shows what love is, how to love more effectively, and how we can strengthen our capacity to love. This book includes an essay on Thomas à Kempis and mysticism in the late Middle Ages.

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Eknath Easwaran takes one of the most loved passages from the classical Christian work "The Imitation of Christ" and brings it to life. He uses examples from contemporary times to demonstrate the applicability of the text to our modern day circumstances. Always compassionate, insightful, and practical he encourages the reader to remake themselves in a higher image suggested by the passage. He briefly provides a description of tools the reader may use to accomplish the transformation and provides references for in-depth instructions of these tools. He assures the reader that "full effort is full victory" and honestly advises the reader that such a transformation is hard work and encourages patience with the transformation. I have read this book twice and will read it again and again. I recommend this book to everyone who would like to transform themselves into a beneficial and benevolent being.